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TLA dues include membership in as many roundtables as the member wishes to choose.

Access and Patron Services

The purpose of the Roundtable shall be to promote the improvement of reference, library use instruction, and communication between various areas within the library to provide more effective use of library resources.


TLA/LIT Agreement

Chair: (Vacant)

Children and Young Adults Services

The purpose of this Roundtable shall be to promote children's and young adult services in public and school libraries; to improve training among librarians who work with children and young adults; to create positive relationships among all librarians who work with children and young adults in public, school, and private school libraries.


Chair: Lyn Hunter; Lily Woodside


College and University Libraries

The purpose of this Roundtable shall be to promote the interests and needs of librarians and other personnel associated with college and university libraries in the State.


Chair:  Kelly Tilton


Government Documents

The purpose of this roundtable is to promote statewide cooperation among people working with all types of government documents, i.e., Federal, State, and Local. To provide a forum for those people to discuss their problems and share their ideas concerning government documents. To sponsor projects for increasing the use of documents and to improve bibliographic control of them. To contribute to the education and training of documents personnel. Section To encourage all levels of government to make their public documents readily available to all types of libraries. To continually review the laws, rules, and guidelines that affect the governance of our collections, and to actively support lobbying efforts to change these laws and rules when the need for change is necessitated.


Chair: Ronne Cox; Suzanne Smalley


Library Leadership

The purpose of this Roundtable is to provide an avenue for discussion about issues related to library management and leadership.





Library Technologies

The purpose of the Roundtable shall be to provide a forum to  discuss issues, problems and solutions; to share ideas; and to provide to education and training in technologies of and pertaining to librarianship.

Chair: Bryan Jones



New Members

The purpose of the Roundtable shall be to help individual members who have been members of TLA ten years or less to orient themselves in the profession of librarianship, to acquaint them with the structure and purpose of TLA, to promote comradeship among TNMRT members, to provide them with the opportunity for involvement in TLA, and to serve as a common voice for TMNRT members.


Public Libraries

The objectives of this Roundtable shall be those of TLA.  Namely: to encourage the establishment, maintenance, and support of adequate library service for all people of the State and to cooperate with public and private agencies with related interests.


Chair: Dinah Harris


School Libraries

The purposes of this organization shall be to encourage the professional growth and development of Tennessee school librarians, and to promote further cooperation between librarians, school administrators, classroom teachers, and other persons interested in the school programs, and to further strengthen school library services in Tennessee.


Chair:  Melissa Williams


Special Libraries

The objective of SLS shall be to unite all members of TLA who are interested in special libraries and librarianship, and to promote the interests of special libraries and librarianship in Tennessee. The term “Special Libraries” shall be broadly defined and liberally interpreted so as to include the special divisions, departments, or collections within more general public or academic libraries. However, the objectives of SLS shall at all time be subordinate to the objectives of TLA.


Chair:  Brigitte Billeaudeaux


Technical Services

The object shall be to unite in one group Tennessee librarians and others interested in activities related to the acquisition, identification, cataloging, classification, and preservation of library materials, and to provide opportunity for the interchange of ideas and the discussion of problems.


Chair:Tiffany Day

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